Online-Emotional Intelligence

26 March 2021
nline-motional ntelligence
Blazing Moon offers you a 4-hour online intensive course at a discounted rate, via 2 x 2-hour sessions from 09h00-11h00 each day. This is led by one of our expert soft skills facilitators.

The Learning Objectives of this 4 hour online session are:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the emotional brain;
  • Demonstrate knowledge and insight into the role of emotions in behaviour;
  • Evaluating own level of emotional intelligence in order to determine development areas;
  • Improve relationships in one’s professional and personal life;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the emotional intelligence framework;
  • Improve workplace effectiveness and interactions with others;
  • Apply the skills of the emotional intelligence framework to their personal and work lives.
To enquire on our corporate pricing discounts on offer and choose a date that suites your learners, please contact and we will gladly assist you.

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